Very cool sterling buckle with turquoise.
2" Sterling Buckle with turquoise.
Large piece of Kingman Turquoise set in sterling trophy buckle. One of a Kind.
Heavily engraved with roped edge and Turquoise Star.
Southwestern flair. 4 PC Buckle: $585 Cufflinks: $210
Western scoll engraving, turquoise set in gold bezzels. An instant classic buckle.
Sterling silver and gold buckle with crooss in center and turquoise by Matt Hacker.
Solid Sterling Silver trophy buckle with turquoise cross in center.
Sterling Silver,Jet, Carico, Fox.
Sterling Silver 4 piece with stones. Available in 3 different colors
Another Cross this one with 14k gold and irregular cut turquoise.
sterling cross with crysacole turquoise
Sterling Silver with oval turquoise.
Sterling silver hammered with turquoise head.
Sterling Silver hammered with turquoise. 2"
© 2002-2018 Falconhead - Boots * Belts * Buckles. All Rights Reserved. Phone: 915-544-2727 - 4216 Hampshire Ln., El Paso, TX 79902 1220 Sheridan St., Cody, WY 82414 - Phone: 307-587-6895