Popular when Queen Victoria reigned. Side zip so there are easy to get on but fully functioning laces. RP#23611
Nubuck denim stitched with black hearts inlayed. RP#24788
Not one to waste anything weused old dead jeans to make these. RP#8197
Hair on prints from cowhide. Got milk? RP#23449
Same hair on print. The image is computer generated. RP#22117
Walt Whitman and Scott Wayne minds meet in boots. RP#24159
Red buck stitching and red lizard. Black calf everywhere else. RP#24158
This next few shorties are part of a group called Nashvilles.
Beautful combination of purple tones, and our signature wingtips/heel foxing.
Elegant black on black patent combination makes these Nashvilles extremely dressy.
Great tone on tone full quill ostrich and buck stitching classic. RP#22537
Side zipped and ready to go. Full quill ostrich and rich black calf finished with buck stitching. RP#4387
Tan nubuck with multi colored beads as trim. Black stingray accents. RP#606
Notice the hand beading used here as an accent. Side zipped for comfort. RP#602
The timeless classic of black and white done here Falconhead style. RP#777
© 2002-2018 Falconhead - Boots * Belts * Buckles. All Rights Reserved. Phone: 915-544-2727 - tresoutlaws@yahoo.com 4216 Hampshire Ln., El Paso, TX 79902 1220 Sheridan St., Cody, WY 82414 - Phone: 307-587-6895