Sport Rust Sueded ridge crocodile. Soft and beautiful. also available in Black and Cognac.
Nicely tooled thistle pattern.
Black roo with metallic stitching.
cognac Roo with overlaid spiders and flies. Web Stitching.
Hand tooled majesty in the spirit of the big easy.
Bone Roo with overlaid Spiders and wingtip.
Black Roo with inlaid and overlaid spiders. Raised stitched web.
Navy Gator Belly T.B.
New Distressed Buffalo with stitching.
New Buffalo hide boot peanut color.
Nubuck Grandpa Boot.
Luxurious sueded crocodile belly. seen here in Chocolate
Black Elephant vamps, Black Acid Wash tops. One word... Durability.
Gator Boots, hand painted by artist Melanie David
Eligant shaved black stringray. Perfect for the dress up or dressed down.
© 2002-2018 Falconhead - Boots * Belts * Buckles. All Rights Reserved. Phone: 915-544-2727 - 4216 Hampshire Ln., El Paso, TX 79902 1220 Sheridan St., Cody, WY 82414 - Phone: 307-587-6895